Full of things I like thus Geeky

I love the new Fences Pro with the organise function but would like it to be able to filter on the age of the file. So for example I could set it so that anything that is older the 7 days goes to a different fence. Then create another rule so when it goes over 14 days moves to other a different fence. Then when its over say 30 day I could delete it. And then also in this rule specifiy the type of icon/file

This would be a nice feature. I know you can do it on time of day / day of week but this would be a good addition.

on Nov 11, 2009

That seems like a valid request. You're referring to having a rule able to be specified in regards to an absolute value of time, rather than relative?


on Nov 12, 2009

It might be tricky, as we would have to take into account how fast your computer was travelling relative to the speed of light, as that may affect the age of the files.

But seriously, folks, that's actually a good idea! 

on Nov 15, 2009

I shall look forward to the feature in a future release that is not to far in the future.